
Water Goddess by Pink Siamese

Fat snowflakes swirled and twirled, drifting with ponderous grace. The road was caked with it, tires pressing down into it like sugar molds. Rhiannon reached out and touched the inside of the windshield. “Eastern snow is so different.”

Rossi’s hands flexed on the wheel. “Is it?”

“Yes.” She slumped, her puffy parka rustling. “It’s fatter. It’s heavier. It sticks to itself.”

“It’s no picnic to drive on, let me tell you that.”

A semi passed them, kicking up chunks of snow. “Yeah,” she said. “Why do you think I’m over here and not over there?”

Rossi glanced at her. Orange streetlight slid over her face in rapid flashes, carving shadows that seemed to breathe into her pale skin. “Does this feel awkward to you?”

“Maybe a little.” She looked over. “It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?”

“Tell me something.” The tires slipped a fraction and he steadied the wheel. “Would you’ve come out here if Carl hadn’t died? If”if I hadn’t told you that he died?” The crystalline darkness of an overpass flitted through the car. “I don’t…oh never mind.” He pursed his lips. “Forget I asked.”

“You think I’m here because of Carl? Because of that old shit? You honestly think that?” She released a pent-up breath, her voice turning soft. “Maybe I should just go home.”

“You aren’t going anywhere. Not until this snow quits.”

“So how long until we get to your place?”

“What, are you pissed now? Is that it?”

“Look, if I’d wanted to…to mourn Carl’s passing, or whatever it is you think I’m doing, I could’ve done it in Vegas. This is a long way to go to just sit around and go boo-hoo.”

“I said forget it. All right?”

“No, I’m not going to forget it, especially since you’re the one who brought it up!”

“Look, Rhi. I just…I don’t know, okay? I haven’t seen you in months and then I tell you that Stargher popped off and…bam! You’re on a plane to D.C. So what’s up with that?”

“Could you stop analyzing my every move for five goddamned seconds? You aren’t the only person with a job, Dave. For fuck’s sake! And you think you could turn the heat up in here? I’m freezing.”

He cranked the knob into the red. “Better?”

“Not yet.” Her teeth chattered. “Maybe soon.” The snow drew mesmerizing patterns in the headlights. She pulled her furry hood up around her ears. “The hospital wants to pay for my master’s.”

“That’s great news. Are you going to take it?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. It’s a sweet deal.”

“It is.” He glanced at her. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because you never asked.”

“Well, do you want to talk about this now?”

“I’m thinking about moving out here.”

The windshield wipers slashed across the silence.

“Not moving in or anything like that. I want my own place.” She sighed and flicked her gaze toward the window. “I…I need a change. I’ve never lived anywhere but Nevada.” Her hands tangled in her lap. “And I’m tired of flying back.” She shrugged. “Flying out here isn’t so bad, but the flight back makes me tired. I’m tired when I get home. I don’t want to be…oh, forget it. Just forget it. I’m not making any sense.”

“You’re making sense.”

“Are we almost to your place?”

He focused on the road. “Almost.”

“I need a shower and something to eat.” She rubbed her temples. “I need to not be moving through so much space.”

Rossi touched the narrow stripe of skin between her glove and her coat. “Soon.”

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