
Power of love by The Black Horse

Penelope woke up with a start and winced as she felt all her cuts and bruises throbbing hard. She looked around the dark room and wondered where she was. Last night events are as dim and blurred as her soul right now. Penelope groans as she sits up and rubes her forehead gently.

She looked at the clock on the tabled next to the bed. It read 6:20am in red piercing numbers. With a sigh she scoots to the edge of the bed and swings her legs over the edge. Her mind was racing with thoughts of what happened last time, what had happened, why is Mike doing this to her and why has he changed?

With a full brain of paralyzing thoughts she stood up and lost her footing as she admitted to make her way over to the light switch. Penelope groaned as she sat up and messaged her ankle gently.

Morgan woke up at the sound of her falling to the floor in his room. He throw his legs over the edge of his sofa and ran over to his room and swung open his door.

“Baby girl, are you okay,” He asked rushing over to her side.

Penelope looked up at Morgan and smiled as he reached his hand out to help her up from the floor. She leaned against his chest as he embraced her.

“What happened last night,” She asked looking up at him.

“Mike attacked you,” Morgan told her as she felt tears start to swell up in her eyes.

“Was I raped,” She asked in a whisper.
Morgan embraced her tighter as tears started to pure down her cheeks. Her tears socked into Morgan’s shirts as Penelope put her face against his shoulder.

Morgan rubbed her back as he replied, “No, he just beat you up,”

With a sigh of relieve she exhaled the breath she held for the five seconds before Morgan answered her. Penelope continued to cry on his shoulder after the great news that Mike hadn’t raped her that night.

“Thank god,” She breathed against his shoulder.

“Yes, baby, thank god,” Morgan repeated as he kissed her forehead when she looked up into his chocolate brown eyes.

“Oh Morgan, what am I gonna do,” She asked wiping tears away from her eyes and cheeks.

“Lets take things one step at a time baby girl,” He told her as she leaned her head against Morgan’s shoulder.

“What do you mean,” Penelope asked hugging Morgan tighter as he rubbed her back gently.

“First of all, Garcia you’re staying at my apartment,” Morgan told her firmly as she pulled away slight still in his arms and looked at him.

“Morgan I can’t,” She said as she pulled away completely saying, “I can’t just stay with you,” Penelope crossed her arms across her chest.

“You’ll be saver with me then you would ever be with him,” Morgan said as she sat on his bed.

“But Mike loves me,” Penelope uttered in a slight whisper as she felt all of her cuts and bruises begin to throb harder from the pending argument that she assumed that was starting.

“Garcia you can’t believe that,” He said sitting next to her on his bed.

Penelope frowned looking at him as she adjusted her glasses nervously with her hands shaking slightly as she said, “Yes I do. He loves me, everyone gets angry sometimes,” Penelope felt a nut growing in the pit of her stomach as she knew that was some how wrong.

“And beating the crap out of you is his way of loving you,” Morgan asked frowning.

She sighed as she felt tears welling up in her eyes again as she said, “Mike’s all I have,”

“I understand, but Mike doesn’t love you back,” He said as she began to cry at what Morgan said because she knew that what he said was true.

“Oh baby. Don’t cry, I didn’t mean to make you cry,” He said grabbing her into his embrace. At first she wanted to push Morgan away but she was too tired and Penelope knew that he meant well.

“I know you didn’t,” She breathed as Morgan kissed the top of her head as he asked, “You know I love you Penelope Garcia,”

Penelope smiled against his chest as she replied, “Yes,”

Morgan smiled and hugged her tighter as he said, “Good,”

Penelope looked at the clock and frowned at it as she said, “We gonna be late,”

Morgan looked at the clock as she pulled away and stood up and headed towards the door with Morgan at her heels.

“You can’t go to work like this,” He said.

Penelope groaned as she rubbed her face gently feeling all her cuts and bruises all over her face. Morgan sat her down on the couch as she tried to convince him that she was okay and that she could use her cover up to conceal the cuts and bruises on her face. But after a few minutes of trying to convince him, with a sigh she said that she wouldn’t go to work.

Morgan smiled and said, “Good,”

She just smiled at him and retreated to Morgan’s room and laid down on his bed with a couple of magazines that where neatly laid out on the night stand next to the door.

Morgan walked into his room and sat on the edge of his bed. Penelope sat up and looked at Morgan and asked, “When can I go to work,”

“When you are all healed and I am sure your okay,” Morgan told her with a smile.

Penelope sighed and said, “But I am okay really and for the cuts and bruises I can use cover up,”

“Cover up can only go so far,” He said as she stood up and grabbed her purse and started to rummage through it looking for her cover up.

“I’ll die from boredom here,” She told him as she opened the bottle and walked over to his bathroom and started to apply the cover up to her face.

“Baby girl you can’t just put cover up on your face and pretend this didn’t happen,” He told Penelope as she was finishing applying the cover up to her face.

She set down the bottle and looked at him with a slight frown. Penelope felt a bit hurt by what Morgan said to her. She really wanted to be able to go back to work and forget about what happened and to deny the whole situation at hand.

“Don’t baby girl me Derek,” She said frowning.

“You know I’m right,” He said trying to make her understand.

Penelope sighed as she replied, “I know,”
Morgan really wanted to be able to make her feel better and to get her to be able to figure out the matters of her heart. She is his best friend and the only person that really completes him. Ever since they first really talked Morgan felt his heart and his stomach jump. Sometimes it is hard to breath when he looks at her or talks to her.

“Sometimes pretending is all I have left,” She said putting her hair up in a ponytail and tied a ribbon around the scratchy.

Morgan smiled at her and helped her find pick out a jacket to go over her white tank with two big gold butterflies on the front of it.

“Thank you,” She said with a smile as he hanged her a black satin jacket.

Penelope quickly put on the jacket and started for the door saying, “Come on,”

With a smile Morgan walked up to her and said, “Okay,” she smiled as he opened the door and let her go through the door first and after he got through the door himself he locked his apartment and they both made their way towards his car.

When they made it to the BAU Penelope quickly made her way upstairs so no one could see her face. She felt like all of the cuts and bruises were visible even through three layers of cover up and blush.

Penelope sat in her rolling chair in front of the computer and started to organize her fuzzy sparkly pens in a row by the mouse pad and a small plush bear she put on top of the computer. She set her purse next to the table near the her laptop.

Her heart was beating hard against her chest as she sat there waiting for Hotchner to call in a new case. She started to tap one of her fuzzy sparkly pens against the table anxiously. I’m okay, I’m okay. Penelope kept repeating to herself in her head.

Penelope jumped as her computer made a loud ding, ding, ding. She quickly clicked on the open button.

“Good morning sir,” She greeted as his face appeared on the screen.

“Good morning Penelope,” He answered with a slight smile as he said, “We have a case and I need you to run a few names for me,”

“Oh. Okay just send me over the names,” She said opening another window to start up the search when she gets the list from Hotchner.

As soon as she got the names Penelope started to run the few names of people that Agent Hotchner has asked her to.

Agent Hotchner was standing in front of the board with pictures of victims taped to it. Morgan, Prentiss and Reid were sitting at their desk and JJ was standing on the other side of Hotchner. Rossi was leaning against the railing of the stairs.
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